Friday 24 July 2009

Friday 24th July - Hermanus

Today we left the Goedgedacht trust. Everyone was very reluctant to leave because we had all bonded to the children and had began to familiarise ourselves with the routine there. When we had all said our goodbyes to the Youth in Construction and accepted that we were all leaving, we were sad when we passed the pre school and saw all the younger children and little stars waving. This caused the whole bus to really want to stay (with most of us crying) with all the children, to continue these friendships and work on and with the trust more. Our travels led us toward Stellenbosch where we all went to a restaurant with traditional African entertainment and food. They also came round and painted our faces with tribal patterns and washed our hands before we ate. Our surprise guest at Moyo was Ingrid who once again persuaded us to sing and dance.

Once we had all eaten we went to visit the cheetahs, Enigma and Joseph. While here we went in their pen and stroked them gently as it was time for them to sleep. Once we had done this we proceeded round the park and observed other animals including Anatolian sheep dogs. These were used to guard livestock without harming the predators on the farm.

We then jumped back on the bus, left Stellenbosch and made our way to Hermanus, the views were SPECTACULAR and stopped for a breezy photo at Sir Lowry's Pass. When we arrived at the Windsor Hotel we settled in our rooms and went out locally for dinner.

Tomorrow we will all "Chillax".

Joe Travers-Jones and Vikram Devalia (who had no input!!).

1 comment:

  1. Vikram Devalia29 July 2009 at 04:05

    Vikram Devalia
    : No input due to a severe case of the man-flu.

    Anyway, here's my input for the day:

    Leaving the trust was an emotional experience. As a group, we all felt sad to leave after all the good times and friendships we had made. However, I think it is fair to say that we all felt a sense of pride and achievement for the trust and its people.

    After leaving the trust, we experienced something quite different at Moyo's. Some of us, including myself were fortunate to dance with the eccentric tribal leader Gwan on stage on full stomach with antelope pie. Nevertheless, it was very enjoyable.

    A long journey to Hermanus followed our cheetah experience where we gawped at the magnificent South African coastline. The views were beautiful. Even after being told about the great white sharks and whales, I felt an urge to take a swim in the sea.

    After a nice chilled out meal, we headed back to the hotel where I treated myself to a lovely cup of lemsip and strepsils. What a day!!
