Saturday 25 July 2009

Saturday in Hermanus

Hey everyone, so today is "chillax" day. After what seemed like a fabulous lie in till 9.30, we enjoyed breakfast at the hotel, then headed out to the centre of town to see the whales. Just 100m from the coast there was an enormous whale basking contendedly in the sunshine. Everyone sat around in the viewing point for a while, mesmerised by the whales, then slowly we all wondered off to browse the shops and enjoy Hermanus, which is a lovely city, as we were given the whole day practically to ourselves.
Almost everyone bought traditional wooden sculptures from the African market on the cliffs, and a few of us discovered hidden talents for bartering! Alexa in particular was good and managed to get a bongo drum for half the price asked! We met up at 1, then treated ourselves to fast food, where Soph H was caught out trying to barter for her meal in Wimpy, and then again trying to get a child's toy for Georgi.
After that we headed back to the hotel to warm up and get ready, and everyone (bar a few people including me who have the sniffles) went out once more to enjoy a meal in a local restaurant.
So all in all a quite relaxed day, much needed after the hectic life we lead in Goedgedacht.
Tomorrow we leave the hotel early then travel to Cape Town, to do a boat trip to an island to see seals and penguins.
By Beth Thomas


  1. Sounds as if you are all having a memorable time.

    Enjoy your remaining days.

    Hope the sniffles go soon. x

  2. Wow, I wish that I could have been there with you all but it sounds like you had an amazing time with such nice weather hey. I am sure that all of us will talk tomorrow about the great time that we shared with you. Enjoy your evening and Cape Town tomorrow. Lots of love! Ingrid

  3. Sounds like you are all having a fantastic time, I'm very jealous! Will have to show me the photos when we get back to school.

    Take care,

    Miss Rees
